Creating Filling Surfaces

This task shows how to create fill surfaces between a number of boundary segments.

aprereq.gif (1231 bytes)

Open the Fill1.CATPart document.

  1. Click the Fill icon .

The Fill Surface Definition dialog box appears.

  1. Select curves or surface edges to form a closed boundary.

You can select a support surface for each curve or edge. In this case continuity will be assured between the fill surface and selected support surfaces.

  1. Use the combo to specify the desired continuity type between any selected support surfaces and the fill surface: Point or Tangent.

The fill surface is displayed within the boundary.

  1. You can edit the boundary by first selecting an element in the dialog box list then choosing a button to either:

Add a new element after or before the selected one
Remove the selected element
Replace the selected element by another curve
Replace the selected support element by another support surface
Remove the selected support element.

This point should lie within the area delimited by the selected curves. If not, the results may be inconsistent.

  1. Click OK to create the fill surface.

The surface (identified as is added to the specification tree.


Filling surface with specified supports

Filling surface with passing point (P2 only)

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